Eisenhower was intensely aware of the need for long-range planning. 艾森豪威尔深谙长远规划的必要性。
That news accompanies possible signs of North Korean mid-range missile tests, in addition to the long-range rocket the North may be planning to launch, later this month. 与此同时,北韩有迹象将试射中程导弹,并在本月稍后时间发射远程火箭。
If you want to start a business, you need to develop expertise in both short-term and long-range planning; 如果你想自主创业,你就要专门开发自己制作长期计划和短期计划的能力。
Examples of management's use of future costs may be found in a large number of areas, including cost control, long-range planning, budgeting, evaluation of capital projects and busi-ness decisions in general. 管理人员在很多情况下都要用到未来成本概念,包括成本控制、长期计划、预算、对建设项目的评估和一般的经济决策。
He will oversee and be responsible for long-range planning in human resources management, financial management, general administration and estate management of the University. 他的主要统辖范围涵盖人力资源管理、财务管理、行政和物业管理,并且专责为大学订定以上范畴的长远发展计划。
The final difference between budgeting and long-range planning pertains to the amount of detail presented. 最后的区别在预算和远程计划之间附属对相当数量细节被提出。
The long-range financial planning and forecasts. S1 is a three-year financial plan, and S2 is the financial plan for the upcoming year 是长期财务的规划与预测。S1是三年财务计划而S2是下一年的财务计划
The primary objective of long-range planning is to develop the best strategy to maximize the company's performance over an extended future period. 远程计划主要宗旨将开发最佳的战略最大化公司的表现在一个延长的未来期间。
In order to make the long-range ecological planning, the article makes a systematic study of the implications of sustainable development according to the principles of sustainable development, in the light of the local population, resources and the environmental conditions. 本文对实验区如何按可持续发展原则,结合当地的人口、资源、环境状况,制定长远的可持续发展的生态规划做了较系统的论述。